Sniffing Out a Problem
September 29, 2019
Your parents probably taught you to have common sense. When it comes to your vehicle, common scents can also come in handy. Different smells may tell you about some conditions in your vehicle that need attention. For example, you know what rotten eggs smell like. If you smell them around your ve... More

Don't Stack the Mat
September 22, 2019
In the sloppy cold weather months, you might be tempted to pick up an all-weather mat and throw it on top of the mats you already have in your vehicle. After all, double protection is better, right? In this case, wrong. Here's why. It's important to keep the accelerator and brake pedals clear so ... More

Make Your Vehicle Last
September 15, 2019
We live in such a disposable society. It's amazing all the stuff we throw away. New stuff comes out so fast, we just toss the old and move on. In the old days, Illinois folks were real sticklers about taking care of their things. If something got lost or ruined by neglect, tough - they had to do ... More

Don't Be Fuelish
September 8, 2019
If you smell gasoline in your vehicle, pay attention to your nose. That's because it has an important message for you. Newer vehicles should never have a gasoline smell inside. One of the most dangerous conditions can come when your fuel line system has a leak or multiple leaks. Vehicles with fue... More

The Importance of Oswego Drivers Following Service Intervals
September 1, 2019
Today in our Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Oswego blog, we're going to talk about following recommended service intervals. Your vehicle isn't the only aspect of your life in Oswego with recommended intervals: Let's start with twice yearly dental check-ups and regular physical exams. How about laundr... More